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Mother's Day Surprise!

In previous years after Mother’s Day we’ve always been flabbergasted by the amount of leftover flowers we’ve collected and I’d happily regale anyone with tales of unopened boxes of Gerberas but not this year. The M&S branches I visit told me that their stores were stripped of flowers by Saturday lunch time and it was the same story at Morrison’s. I needed a plan. Firstly to extend my supermarket suppliers so I contacted Fareshare a food waste distributor who are hopeful they’ll be able to help me once their computer system is updated to record flower waste at the end of March. Secondly, Davinder a neighbour and mad keen grower walked into the shop to collect some flowers and found me deep in thought. I explained, (I’m sure I didn’t rant or rave but he did catch me at a vulnerable moment) about the current state of the floristry industry post Mother’s Day, post Brexit and mid COVID and we decided there and then to get growing our own produce with the help of young offenders. You might recall we have a garden in Haringey which Jelena and the Haringey young offenders tend amazingly - unfortunately we haven’t been able to meet for a year and it’s too far to visit on a daily basis. So I think we’re going to grow things in hanging baskets of which we have an endless supply. Conditioning our soil begins on Wednesday. By Friday I was back to being positive when I received 2 trolley loads of daffodils on Friday and had great fun distributing them to volunteers to spread the floral love. In the picture you see Martha sitting on our new seat and trellis at the front of the shop

You may also have received a door step random act of kindness bunch of daffodils this weekend too @Wrotham Road Barnet. #sharingtheflowerpower

I was delighted that The Flower Bank was included in this video by the London Mayor’s Office. Even more delighted that we’ve been given the opportunity to showcase our work. I’m indebted to my crowdfunders for putting their faith in me and for all our new customers who’ve supported us during this dreadful year. #Communitycrowdfunding

Have a great week and thank you to you all.

From all the team at the Flower Bank

Have a great week from all at the Flower Bank.

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