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The Flower Bank

Roller Coaster

It’s been an emotional roller coaster of a week. There was the US Presidential election, the start of another lockdown, and the relief at discovering that The Flower Bank could stay open, as we’re a garden centre and an educational establishment. I was worried that flower and plant collections would dwindle as they did in the previous lockdown, but I’m happy to report that we’ve been collecting Halloween themed knickknackery all week. On Wednesday afternoon, 2 friends tended the shop - they saw things with fresh eyes, had loads of suggestions, and were generally a godsend - Katie even left me a flower cloud (see photograph), which is gorgeous. We’ll be selling Christmas wreath kits this year. The bases will be pre-made for you by the young offenders, so then all you need to do is buy your wire, choose your pine, ivy, twigs, and decorations. Next Sunday, 15 November, is World Kindness Day/Mitzvah Day. We’re part of the “Delivering smiles in Barnet” campaign where volunteers will deliver

bulbs and plants' arrangements to vulnerable and isolated elderly members of the community - so that’s Lemar’s reparation sessions taken care of for November and December; he told me he׳s enjoying them. Surprisingly he’s happy to come he told me last Monday. To add more emotion to that roller coaster, I found out last night that the former Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks died yesterday. I loved his Thoughts for the Day. I thought I’d end with a quotation from him “Make space in your life for the things that matter, for family and friends, love and generosity, fun and joy. Without this, you will burn out in mid-career and wonder where your life went”.

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